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Monday, September 16, 2024

Help! I Need Somebody...

Hi. Jeff Holland here. I need your help.

For the last two years I have been living with family after almost dying of cancer. Last year I finally got on Disability and also became one of two checks in a four person house. There is also a LOT of drama here that I am not involved in.

Last month I had a seizure that left me unconscious in the hospital for two days. I am officially epileptic, on anti-seizure meds, and have had triggers. Not full seizures, but moments where I could see what was happening, deal, and thankfully haven't been back to the hospital.
Well, I have now discovered that stress-induced seizures are a thing and where I am staying is beyond stressful (the family thing). I am pretty sure I have fought back three seizures triggered by stress in the last five days.

I will wind up back in the hospital.

I am not safe here anymore.

I have a chance to get somewhere safe, somewhere with much less stress and somewhere with the same amount of paychecks as people. I haven't been happy since I got here (but not homeless!) but if I can take this chance I can be safe and happy.

I need 1500 dollars by the end of October to get out of here with no extra drama. I thought I had help, but...

Turns out I am not old or disabled enough.

So I am officially on my knees begging for help because I officially have nowhere else to turn. I would set this up as a gofundme but the sooner I get the money the sooner I can get away from this officially life threatening situation.

If you can help

Venmo: @Jeffrey-Holland-53

Cashapp: $Jeffers234

If you can help, thank you. If not, please share this. I am truly desperate and scared and THIS CAN BE FIXED...I just need some help fast.

Screw it! Anyone who donates 500 gets a song written about them. Check out the Aaron Waltke chat to see how that goes. :-)

I'm in a bad situation, but with some help not only can I get out of it, I can be markedly better.

Thank you.

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