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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Slumgullion Episode 8: Make Mine Marvel!

With special guests Indy McDaniel, Mary Clevenger, John Szura and Blanche Ramirez

Special Appearance by Jim Moon

Music by James Barkley and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir

We begin with Jeff and Scott discovering the true reason behind the technical difficulties of late. Then, live from an abandoned building in upstate New York, Indy, John, Mary, and Blanche join Scott for the usual fan geeky chat of Act 1 then, after a surprisingly appropriate musical number, they dive into Captain America Civil War.  Where is Jeff, you may ask?  Where indeed.

Needless to say, foul language and spoilers abound.

NOTE:  You might want to make sure you listen to the whole episode.

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