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Monday, September 16, 2024

Help! I Need Somebody...

UPDATE [Sept 27, 2024]

Hey, Jeff here. Just wanted to catch everyone up (and if you haven't heard about the latest sharp hairpin turn my life has taken, please check out the post below the picture).

First I want to thank each and every person who's contributed so far--it's meant more than I can say. We're almost halfway to our goal, and if you've been thinking about pitching in, now would be a great time. If that's not doable, please signal boost this post. Every little bit is hugely helpful.

Thanks again!

Hi. Jeff Holland here. I need your help.

For the last two years I have been living with family after almost dying of cancer. Last year I finally got on Disability and also became one of two checks in a four person house. There is also a LOT of drama here that I am not involved in.

Last month I had a seizure that left me unconscious in the hospital for two days. I am officially epileptic, on anti-seizure meds, and have had triggers. Not full seizures, but moments where I could see what was happening, deal, and thankfully haven't been back to the hospital.
Well, I have now discovered that stress-induced seizures are a thing and where I am staying is beyond stressful (the family thing). I am pretty sure I have fought back three seizures triggered by stress in the last five days.

I will wind up back in the hospital.

I am not safe here anymore.

I have a chance to get somewhere safe, somewhere with much less stress and somewhere with the same amount of paychecks as people. I haven't been happy since I got here (but not homeless!) but if I can take this chance I can be safe and happy.

I need 1500 dollars by the end of October to get out of here with no extra drama. I thought I had help, but...

Turns out I am not old or disabled enough.

So I am officially on my knees begging for help because I officially have nowhere else to turn. I would set this up as a gofundme but the sooner I get the money the sooner I can get away from this officially life threatening situation.

If you can help

Venmo: @Jeffrey-Holland-53

Cashapp: $Jeffers234

If you can help, thank you. If not, please share this. I am truly desperate and scared and THIS CAN BE FIXED...I just need some help fast.

Screw it! Anyone who donates 500 gets a song written about them. Check out the Aaron Waltke chat to see how that goes. :-)

I'm in a bad situation, but with some help not only can I get out of it, I can be markedly better.

Thank you.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday, August 23, 2024

Episode 109: Writer-Producer Aaron J. Waltke (Star Trek Prodigy)


Jeff and Scott welcome writer-producer Aaron J. Waltke to talk about Star Trek Prodigy -- past, present, and future.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Episode 108: Prodigy


Jeff and Scott return from the dead to discuss Star Trek: Prodigy, which has also recently returned from the dead. It's a Zombie-Off!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Better Living Through Bad Movies Presents: Event Horizon (1997)

Welcome to the ocular migraine that thinks it's a movie. Click here to read our latest mean but funny review: Event Horizon.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Friday, April 5, 2024

Better Living Through Bad Movies Presents: Batman (1943)

"I'LL show you people how to Batman! The secret is panties! BIG panties! You see, criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot. To instill fear into their hearts, I became a bat. When that failed, I wore my Pull-Ups on the outside and now criminals are super uncomfortable around me and don't know where to look. Works every time!"