
Monday, February 20, 2017

The Great Drywall

Jeff is missing!  Blanche has had Drambuie on an empty stomach! And China's elite Color Swatch Squad is fighting monsters on the Great Wall while tasting the rainbow. Mary has nostalgic news about Star Wars toys, everybody puts on suspenders and defends their favorite underrated Sci Fi films from the death penalty, and Matt Damon makes a special appearance to collect his check.


  1. According to his Twitter feed, Jeff is alive, well, and of normal size.

    "Source Code" is a favorite of mine as well. It doesn't hurt that Vera Farmiga looks into the camera in most of her scenes. I was asked by the people sitting behind me in the theater to move because the cartoon hearts floating above my head were blocking their view.

    I enjoyed "The Great Wall" a lot more than I expected to. As long as you don't try to think about the plot too much, it's a great time.

    I just got back from seeing Jordan Peele's "Get Out", one of the best debuts I've seen by a director in ages. It's John Carpenter horror with some George A. Romero social conscience.

  2. According to his Twitter feed, Jeff is alive, well, and of normal size.

    I love you, Doc.

  3. I just saw Get Out this afternoon, and we will so be talking about this movie on the next show.

  4. I am going to be refreshing this site every thirty seconds until you discuss "Logan".

    Oh holy crap what a movie.
